ALM - Asset & Liability Management

It allows assessment, measurement and management of the risks attached to the balance sheets of banks with various tools and models, considering the targeted profitability rates and liquidity. The Asset & Liability Management (ALM) Module with global models blended with the needs of local banks and a superior data integration infrastructure;

• It has a flexible infrastructure that allows viewing the periodical balance sheet developments in any desired breakdown with its drill down capability.
• Nearly 100 ratio analyses can be viewed daily. It has a structure that allows performing any calculations daily by integrating with the transactions, cash flow and trial balance data of the bank.
• Within the frame of the profitability goals of banks, it includes management of the foreign exchange risk between the balance sheet asset & liability items, the interest rate risk caused by maturity mismatch and the liquidity risks, and the long term analyses based on big market movements.
• Within the frame of risk appetite modeling, it allows assigning and controlling maturity and product based position limits.
• It can perform balance sheet and P/L based stress tests and scenario analyses.
• With the ratio and balance sheet analyses, the changes in balance sheet items and ratios can be tracked even on a daily basis.
• Static ALM (Gap, Duration, MVE, NII, sensitivite ) analyses can be performed.
• Dynamic ALM (Duration, Dynamic MVE & NII, stress & scenario ) analyses can be performed.
• With its transfer pricing infrastructure, the pricing policy of the bank can be configured.
• Behavioral regression based Core Deposit analyses can be performed.
• With the Replication Key Modeling, analyses for current balance sheet items can be performed.
• Prepayment Analyses allow analyses that include early payment conditions.