ALM-Asset Liability Management

We offer systems aiming to measure the potential risks and to protect the companyu from these risks, while shaping the asset and liability structure of the company within the frame of profitability goals. These systems measure the exchange currency, interest, liquidity, and credit risks attached to the balance sheets of real sector companies, and manage using various analytic methods. ALM module is a decision support system that guides, warns and helps the organization generate alternatives in their future projections and decision-making processes and manage the sources and risks of the organization in line with its utmost benefits. The main benefits provided by the Asset and Liability Management Module are as follows:
• Provides efficient cash flow management.
• Allows efficient management and monitoring of maturity, exchange rate, and interest mismatch and liquidity.
• Allows assignment and control of the product based position limit according to maturities.
• Able to perform balance sheet and P/L based simulations.
• Supports ratio analyses, capital budgeting and budget estimates.
• Provides infrastructure for the measurement of internal profitability.
• With its transfer pricing infrastructure, it allows creation and tracking of the organization's pricing policy.